få koll på
I really wanna go skiing right now!

Photographers Klaus Polzer and Flo Breitenberger.
Nine Queens 2012 | Building by Schneestern
I think this might be the last edit from Nine Queens this year!
Another edit from Nine Queens 2012
Nine Queens 2012 | Edit
Another edit from Nine Queens! Going to do a MRI for my knee tomorrow! Wish me good luck!
Nine Queens 2012 | Photo contest results and images Check out this link for some awesome pictures from Nine Queens!!!! I'm in one of the winning pictures!
Nine Queens 2012 | Highlight Clip
Look at this amazing video from Nine Queens!! I'm super excited and happy about everything that happened last week in Fiss!
Photo by Christoph Schöch

Christoph Schöch
Last day in Austria and Nine Queens
Sista dagen bestod av en Big Air tävling! Var tråkigt att sitta bredvid och kolla, men samtidigt kul att se alla tjejer köra så bra! Haft en sjukt bra vecka och var grymt roligt att få åka dit!!

/The last day consisted of a big air contest! Wasn't super great to sit on the side and watch, but was fun to see all the girls kill it! Had an awesome week and i'm so glad that I were invited!
Nine Queens 2012 | Big Air Final
Nine Queens 2012 | Action Day 1&2
Rail day
Don't forget to go to Nine Queens website to check out how the castle gets it's shape!!

A few runs in the slopes
Åkte ut och tog några åk i backen idag! Man blir så sjukt bortskämd när man kommit hem från USA! Allt är så annorlunda här! Så längtar tillbaka.. 

/Went out and took a few runs in the slopes today! Everything is so different here from the U.S! Miss it a lot..
Klicka på bilden för att komma till hela intervjun!
/A swedish interview with Transition. Click on the picture to see more!
Wanna be a Queen? – The winners are official!
I don't know what to say! Sooooo happy!!